Billy Graham
Pastor Rick Warren
Ravi Zacharias
William (Willy) Rice
Chuck Swindoll
Dr. John F. Klem Th.D., President of Clearwater Christian College - "The Gospel Works When Life Doesn’t – I Peter 1"
Why choose a Christian college education? - "An Investment Worth Making"
A story of giving thanks (Kent Humphreys) - "Thanksgiving"
Take time to renew that relationship (Kent Humphreys) - "Faithful Friends"
Have you thought much about bridges? (Kent Humphreys)- "Bridges"
Adults can't explain this more beautifully - "A Little Boy's Explanation of God"
From David Wilkerson Today - "The Bondservant"
Less complaining and more appreciation - "Voted the Best Email of This Year" or view in Power Point Version
Don't judge a book (or person) by its cover - "To Meet Such A Man"
A new look at "Creation", with a little humour - "Creation"
Perhaps things really do happen for a reason - "The Table Cloth"
A resource of encouraging words - "Happy Autumn"
When doubt sets in, read - "Why God Allows Pain"
An inspirational song by two little boys - "He Arose"
We will be remembered by our kind deeds - "Red Marbles"
Move towards goals & desires one step at a time - "The Daffodil Principle"
What the news might have been in Jeruselem, 33 AD - "Easter Obituary "
You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again - "Carrots, Eggs & Coffee"
An absolutely incredible short interview with - "Rick Warren"
Illuminating video about Jesus - "That's My King!"
Circumstances that can cause us mild-severe anxiety - "The Thorn of Anxiety"
Wonderful Water Colour Paintings and Comments - "Sharing Thoughts "
Beautiful Pictures and Comments on - "LIFE"
What Are The Moments That Change Us? - "Defining Moments"
The Far Reaching Impact of One Teacher - "For A Friend"
The Children's View of Life -  Mud Puddles
When "Life" Is Getting You Down, Remember - You Are So Blessed
The Way To Resolving Conflicts - The Carpenter
Count Your Blessings - The Pickle Jar


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